Studies show that music can have a powerful impact on the mind and Harvard Men's Health published an article all about it! Music affects every human soul, but according to the article, "Although every healthy human brain can perform all the complex tasks needed to perceive music, musicians' brains are, so to speak, more finely attuned to these tasks." The article goes on to say that in a recent study, college students that listened to Mozart before taking an IQ test consistently scored higher than students listening to a relaxation tape and students listening to nothing. The results were temporary, leading researchers to believe that the right kind of music can act as a "warm-up" brain exercise.
Even if the increase in IQ points wasn't long term, studies show, "...that learning to play an instrument may enhance the brain's ability to master tasks involving language skills, memory, and attention."
Music is powerful and definitely impacts your brain! So, make sure to practice everyday, and even take time to queue up some Mozart while you study or right before taking a big test!
What are some of your favorite songs/artists to listen to when studying?
Do you prefer silence?
Feel free to share links to your favorite study-music below!